Bell’s palsy is a form of facial paralysis which can lead to the loss of the ability to close your eyes. The Upper eyelid has muscles which open the eyes (levator muscle and Muller’s muscle) and a muscle which closes the eyes (orbicularis oculi muscle). When the elevator muscles become weak or mal-functions what results…
The Browpexy – A Minimally Invasive Brow lift
Today cosmetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is one of the commonest facial aesthetic procedures performed in the world. Often times to perform appropriate eyelid lifts (blepharoplasty) it is necessary to also address the brow. There are numerous forms of formal brow lifts such as the endoscopic brow lift, which are very powerful, but also expensive and…
Fixing Eyelids in Bell ’s Palsy
When Bell’s palsy occurs the eyelids become weakened or paralyzed – this is called eyelid paresis or paralysis. This is a difficult condition for the patient as the eye does not close which leads to discomfort, disfigurement and loss of function. Dr. Guy Massry ( Beverly Hills Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery) is an expert in…
Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery: Correcting Eyelid Paralysis/Paresis in a Minimally Invasive Way
Eyelid Paralysis (paresis) can result from Bell’s palsy or a variety of other causes of facial nerve injury (facial/eyelid paralysis/paresis). This typically results in an eye that cannot close, ocular irritation, dry eye, a red eye and tearing. In addition the lower lid tends to droop (retract). This adds to eye symptoms and is cosmetically…
Eyelid Fillers Explained
Lower eyelid filler is an important option for cosmetic lower lid rejuvenation in patients who do not desire lower blepharoplasty, or those who are not candidates for lower blepharoplasty. There are a variety of lower lid fillers which can be used to improve lower lid bags and hollows. The safest of these is Restylane. Restylane…