Today cosmetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is one of the commonest facial aesthetic procedures performed in the world. Often times to perform appropriate eyelid lifts (blepharoplasty) it is necessary to also address the brow. There are numerous forms of formal brow lifts such as the endoscopic brow lift, which are very powerful, but also expensive and very involved surgical procedures.
For those patients who are concerned with costs, recovery from surgery and invasiveness of the procedure, there is an alternative. This other form of brow surgery is called a browpexy. A browpexy is a procedure which minimally elevates or stabilizes the brow so that it will not be lowered even further when eyelid surgery is performed. In many cases when the brow is low (or borderline low) and eyelid lift is performed the brow will be pulled even lower. This has negative consequences on appearance and function after surgery.
What Is A Browpexy?
A browpexy is a suture suspension of the brow to the underlying bone. It can be performed from within the eyelid (internal browpexy) or from a small incision above the brow. The later procedure is called the external browpexy (developed by Dr. Guy Massry – Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeon – Beverly Hills, California). Below are a few of Dr. Massry’s published articles on the procedure:
New and Innovative Surgical Technique for Minimally Invasive Brow Lifting
External Browpexy a Minimally Invasive Alternative to Temporal Brow Suspension
- The External Browpexy
Now a browpexy is not for everyone. Appropriate patient selection is critical to attain the best results. However, in the right patient and with the right doctor performing the procedure, high patient satisfaction and excellent results are obtained. Below are examples of patients who underwent the external variant of the browpexy as described by Dr. Massry. When viewing these photos (before surgery – left/after surgery – right) only pay attention to the correction of brow asymmetry – which was the purpose in each case.
Before and After Browpexy
Contact Dr. Massry Today!
For more information on this novel and non-invasive form of brow lifting, please schedule a consult with Dr. Massry by calling us at 310.657.4302.