Lecturing at 8th Annual Oculoplastic Symposium in Atlanta

Dr. Massry is presenting 4 lectures at the 8th Annual Oculoplastic Symposium in Atlanta in January 2015. The titles of his lectures include: • 10 Truths About Lower Blepharoplasty: A 17 Year Experience • New Insights Into Lower Lid Retraction • Volume Preservation Upper Blepharoplasty • A Personal Perspective on Eyelid Fillers

Avoiding Blepharoplasty Complications

Poor results to blepharoplasty surgery are not uncommon and are devastating to patients.  Avoiding these complications starts with seeing the most qualified doctor assess your concerns with your eyelids. Dr. Guy Massry is an ophthalmic plastic surgeon.  This is a specialist is cosmetic eyelid (blepharoplasty) surgery. Dr. Massry is a member (fellow) of the American…