Blepharoplasty, also referred to as cosmetic eyelift surgery, is the most common cosmetic procedure Dr. Massry performs. Blepharoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that restores a youthful and energetic look.

Blepharoplasty, also referred to as cosmetic eyelift surgery, is the most common cosmetic procedure Dr. Massry performs. Blepharoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that restores a youthful and energetic look.
Addressing the hollowing or sagging cheek is a relatively new concept in cosmetic surgery. The cheek can be elevated to give a fuller and more youthful appearance to the face through surgery.
Patients who are experiencing drooping, sagging or bagginess of the lower eyelids may be candidates for a canthoplasty. These problems may appear for a variety of reasons, including unsatisfactory result from previous surgery, age, hormonal conditions, hereditary factors, trauma, or paralysis.
Dr. Massry considers the eyebrows as the starting point of successful upper eyelid lifts (blepharoplasty). The brows must be in an appropriate position to attain beautiful, youthful and natural appearing upper eyelids. Dr. Massry is an expert in endoscopic eyebrow lifting
Ptosis correction is a minor surgical procedure, involving tightening of the muscle that lifts the eyelid. This can be performed through the eyelid skin or from the inside of the eyelid. The surgical approach taken depends on specific findings and testing performed during the preoperative evaluation.