History Lession 101 #4 – What is Arnica

Arnica is one of the most popular homeopathic remedies in the United States today for the treatment of pain, inflammation and bruising.  Arnica Montana, commonly called leopard’s bane, is a perennial herb (bright yellow flower) that grows in Central Europe.  The flower is dried and processed, and turned into homeopathic tinctures, creams, pellets, gels, oils…


Eyelid/Facial Aging – Grapes to Raisins

Traditionally the belief has been that the  changes which manifest on the face with aging are due to tissue (skin/muscle/fat) excess and sagging, and sun and environmental damage to the skin leading to wrinkles.  This has led surgeons to approach facial surgical rejuvenation by cutting out the excess and re-draping the skin.  While the factors mentioned are important…


Just My Opinion

Did you know that Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is 20% science, 20% art and 80% common sense?? Everything in life requires critical thinking to avoid critical mistakes!!!

History Lesson 101 #2 – Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery

Ophthalmic plastic surgery (oculoplastic surgery) is specialized form of plastic surgery that deals with cosmetic surgery of the forehead/eyebrows, upper and lower eyelids and midface (cheeks); and reconstructive surgery of the same areas in addition to the tear ducts and orbits. It is a subspecialty of ophthalmology.  As such physicians credentialed in this area are board…