Lower lid blepharoplasty is an intricate procedure which can be fraught with complications. The first, second and third rules that Dr. Guy Massry lives by for this procedure are, “Do it well!” It takes years to master this!

Dr. Massry loves performing this surgery on his patients and has dedicated much of his career to its study.  One variant in lower lid blepharoplasty is transposing the puffy fat to the adjacent hollow “dark circles” below. Traditionally, fat was also considered a bad thing and was simply removed. Now that we know fat is so precious when we transpose it under the eye, it creates a smooth, youthful appearance.

Before and After Lower Lid Blepharoplasty With Fat Transpositioning

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty - Dr Guy Massry

This patient had fantastic results after her lower lid blepharoplasty with fat transposition with Dr. Massry.

Illustration of How to Perform Lower Lid Blepharoplasty with Fat Transpositioning

Lower lid with fat transposition - Dr Guy Massry

This illustration is the cover to Dr. Massry’s new video series on surgery available through Quality Medical Publishers. It does a nice job of showing how the procedure is performed.

Contact Dr. Guy Massry Today!


If you are considering lower lid blepharoplasty, please call our office today – 310.657.4302. Dr. Massry specializes in lower lid surgery and provides his patients with the most natural looking results!