Correcting Eyelid Fat Grafting Complications

Eyelid fat grafting is a procedure in which fat from the body (abdomen, inner thigh) is harvested (collected) and then transferred (injected) into the hollows (depressions) around the eyelids.  This is done to improve eyelid contour and appearance.  Unfortunately, eyelid fat grafting can be associated with numerous complications which can be distressing to the patient…


Lower Eyelid Lumps/Bumps After Eyelid Fat Grafting

Lower eyelid fat grafting (transfer) for filling depression (hollows) has become more common over the last 5 years (see link for patient examples  Just because eyelid fat grafting has become more popular does not meant it is the right thing to do, or not associated with potential complications.  Eyelid fat grafting involves taking frat…


5-Fluorouracil for the treatment of scars and granulomas from fat grafting

5-Fluorouracil is an anti-metabolite long used for treatment of cancer and more recently in an intralesional (into scar) fashion as an effective modality in the management of dermal scars, particularly hypertrophic scars and keloids. In ophthalmology, it is been used to prevent scarring after trabeculectomy (glaucoma) surgery.  I use 5-Fluorouracil to manage cutaneous (skin) scars…


Blepharoplasty – What is Important

Blepharoplasty surgery should only be performed by an experienced and well-trained cosmetic surgeon. Ophthalmic plastic surgeons (oculoplastic surgeons) are expert blepharoplasty surgeons with cosmetic surgical training of the eyelids and surrounding areas (forehead/eyebrows/midface (cheeks). Oculoplastic surgeons are first trained in ophthalmology (eye diagnosis and treatment) before their cosmetic training in blepharoplasty surgery. Surgeons from numerous…